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Confetti bush

Coleonema pulchellum, commonly known as confetti bush, buchu, diosma or breath of heaven, is a shrub which is endemic to South Africa. It grows to between 0.8 and 1 metre (2 ft 7 in and 3 ft 3 in) high. Single pink flowers to about 8 mm (0.31 in) in diameter appear between May and October in the species native range.

The species was formally described in 1981 in the Journal of South African Botany. Prior to this, plants in cultivation had been erroneously identified as Coleonema pulchrum.


  • Category Flowering shrubs
  • Families Rutaceae
  • Genus Coleonema
  • Species pulchellum
  • Geographical Area of Origin South Africa
  • Climatic Zones Mediterranean: South and islands, hills. USDA 10 a
  • Habit Shrub
  • Leaves Evergreen
  • Colore Foglie Verde
  • Flowering Period January / February / March / April / May / June / December
  • Flower Simple flower
  • Colore Fiori Rosa
  • Favorite soil Sub-acid / medium acid / Light sandy / Middle-Dough / Medium soil
  • Water needs Medium
  • Light Exposure Medium shade / Half shade / Full light / Full sun
  • Form Grown as shrub / bush
  • Colore Frutti Marrone
  • Parfumed yes
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