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Pride of Madeira

The Echium candicans L. f. (1782) is native to the Madeira archipelago, where it grows along the coastline and in the rocky hilly slopes.

Biennial evergreen shrub, or often short-lasting perennial, much ramified at the base, usually about 1,5 m tall, but can, at times, reach and overcome the 2 m, with whitish-grey villous branches and lanceolate, 6-20 cm long and 1-4 cm broad, tomentose, leaves, of a green-grey colour, assembled on the terminal part of the branches.

The inflorescences are conical, 15-45 cm long, terminal, panicles with a compact multitude of funnel-shaped flowers which remain open for some weeks, 5-9 mm long and 8-12 mm broad, with a 5-lobed corolla, with a colour from azure to violet blue and pink stamina. 

Plant of great ornamental and landscape value, to be cultivated in full sun, on even poor soils, very draining and rather arid, suitable for gardens and rocky slopes on coastal zones in Mediterranean climates with rainy winters and warm and dry summers, when in these situations it practically does not need attentions, with no or rare summer watering, as the winter rains are sufficient.

Not particular for the soil, as it can grow both in the acidic and alkaline ones and is resistant to the wind and the sea aerosols, is, on the contrary, rather sensitive to the low temperatures, loses its leaves when around -2°C, and dies around the -4/-5°C.

  • Category Flowering shrubs
  • Families Boraginaceae
  • Genus Echium
  • Species fastuosum
  • Geographical Area of Origin Mediterranean Europe / Middle-north africa
  • Climatic Zones Mediterranean: South and islands, hills. USDA 10 a
  • Habit Shrub
  • Leaves Evergreen
  • Colore Foglie Verde
  • Flowering Period March / April / May
  • Flower Ear
  • Colore Fiori Blu   Viola
  • Favorite soil Middle-Dough / Medium soil
  • Water needs Low / little water / Medium
  • Light Exposure Full light / Full sun
  • Form Grown as shrub / bush
  • Colore Frutti Marrone
  • Parfumed yes
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