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The Lumia

The lumia (Citrus lumia Risso. & Poit.) is also called the pear lemon (Citrus × lumia 'pyriformis'), since its shape resembles a pear. The fruit resembles a pear in shape, has a thick peel and is not very juicy. Like a citron, it can grow to a formidable size.

The most known origin for the Lumia is from the Mediterranean basin. 

  • Category Citrus
  • Families Rutaceae
  • Genus Citrus
  • Species x lumia
  • Geographical Area of Origin South-East Asia
  • Climatic Zones Sub-tropical, USDA 10 b (Southern Italy and islands)
  • Habit Tree
  • Leaves Evergreen
  • Colore Foglie Verde
  • Flowering Period March / April / May / June / July / August / September
  • Flower Raceme
  • Colore Fiori Bianco
  • Favorite soil Sub-acid / medium acid / Middle-Dough / Medium soil
  • Water needs Medium
  • Light Exposure Medium shade / Half shade / Full light / Full sun
  • Form Tree
  • Colore Frutti Giallo
  • Fruiting Period January / February / October / November / December
  • Parfumed yes
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