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Valencia Orange

The well-known Valencia Orange has presumably been bred in Portugal and is nowadays wide-spread in Spain. The varieties ‘Valencia’ and ‘Valencia Late’ only differ in their time of ripeness. This, however, cannot be differenciated when the Orange is cultivated in our country where it will go dormant during winter. ‘Valencia’- Oranges inherently grow nicely compact and have no thorns. The flowers of ‘Valencia’ are medium-sized (2-3 cm), white, intensely fragrant and - typical for oranges- have their main bloom in early summer. Depending on wintering and the plant’s constitution the bloom may shift slightly. The fruits are round, the peel is more light-coloured than Navel Oranges. They can be easily peeled, but the peel comes off slightly less easily than e.g. the one of a Navel Orange. Due to the juicy, seedless pulp that also in our country becomes very sweet, Valencia Oranges are very popular for squeezing juice. Fully ripe fruits may stick to the tree for many weeks and even months without loss of quality. They therefore are a very nice decoration, too.

  • Kategorie Zitruspflanzen
  • Familie Rutaceae
  • Gattung Citrus
  • Art sinensis "Valentia Late"
  • Geographisches Ursprungsgebiet Mittelmeer Europa
  • Klimazonen Subtropisch, Süditalien und Inseln
  • Habitus Baum
  • Blätter Immergrün
  • Colore Foglie Verde
  • Blüteitperiode April / Mai / Juni
  • Blume Einfache blüte
  • Colore Fiori Bianco
  • Bodenart Schwash sauer / Mittelschwer Erdreich
  • Erfordernissen Mässig Wasser
  • Lichtexposition Halbschatten / Sonne
  • Form Fitocella / Säulenforming
  • Colore Frutti Arancione
  • Fruchtzeitperiode Januar / Februar / März / Oktober / November / Dezember
  • Parfümiert ein
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